Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tickler Mantra

Yesterday I went to my first prenatal yoga class with my good (and pregnant) friend Audrey.  I had never been to a prenatal anything class and had no idea what to expect.  There were seven of us in the class and I was most definitely the least pregnant.  I mean, these women were preg-nant.  They were all huge and looked like they could pop at any moment.  I have obviously seen pregnant women before, but not so many at one time and in one room.  I couldn't stop looking at them.  They were beautiful.  It only makes me want to be huge that much faster!

Class started and we went around the room introducing ourselves, told how far along we were and if we had any ailments.  I have been virtually unable to walk these days due to a raging pain in my sciatic nerve and expressed to her that I would basically kiss the ground she walked on if she could help me find some stretches that would help. It seemed that most of us were suffering from one pregnancy pain or another: hurting sacrum, tightening uterus, Braston Hicks, lack of sleep, circulation problems etc.  Oh, the things I get to look forward to as the months pass!

The class was unlike your typical yoga class as many of the moves were created for expecting moms.  We used the wall a lot, focused on our breathing and practiced many moves I had never done or heard of before.  It was when she announced that the next move was called the clitoral tickler mantra that I knew I could in no way, shape or form, make eye contact with Audrey.  The what ticker? That's right folks, in prenatal yoga you hear the word clitoris and anus many times.  You also talk about Kegel exercises and more that I won't even share with you.  The best part?  I loved it.  I felt very safe and very connected with my fellow pregnant womankind.  We are all sharing in something so wonderful and beautiful, and talking about Kegel anything felt so natural.  The second best part?  My pain is at a 1 today (compared to yesterday's 7).  If the Prenatal Yoga Clitoral Tickler is what it takes, then sign me up!

On a total side note...many of you have communicated to me that you are unable to subscribe to this blog.  Somehow I created the blog under my work gmail and not my personal.  My district has a block on any subscribers to any blogs. Currently, I'm working with IT to try and get it moved over, but they are less than thrilled to spend their busy summer helping me with a baby blog. The guy in charge emailed me the other day and asked me for the blog's address.  I really hope he's not interested in seeing my "weekly belly photos" and makes the switch quickly! When this finally happens you'll see something under the "About Us" section that will allow you to subscribe.  :) Until then, keep checking in for updates!

16 weeks and 23 weeks pregnant.  Aud just moved
 back to Colorado with her hubby and little boy,
Walter.  I'm so happy to have them here.  <3
(Sorry Aud, I know you're in your PJs
 but this is the only pic I had!)

Baby is the size of a large avocado.  We had our doctor's
appointment on Monday and everything is looking great!
 Three weeks until the gender ultrasound!

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