Monday, July 29, 2013

Little Man or Little Lady?

Today we had the big ultrasound where they measured the baby's brain size, femur length, waist size, looked at all four chambers of the heart, showed us the newest and latest (and cutest) profile and about a billion other things, all except the boy/girl parts. At the very end she told us to look away as she moved the wand into perfect "down there" positioning. After four clicks on her keyboard she printed it out and sealed it in an envelope. After, we analyzed what the four clicks may have meant: g-i-r-l, ->-b-o-y, m-a-l-e, or maybe it was a pull down menu and it took four clicks to select the correct gender??  Whatever it was, she assured us that she was definitely able to tell! We hand delivered the envelope directly to Todd who works across the street and contemplated opening it only 99 times! He then called Rhonda and the gender reveal pink or blue item has already been ordered in anticipation for the big party.

There are a ton of wives tales out there that are supposed to help you predict your baby's gender.  Because we still have TWELVE DAYS TO WAIT (it's agonizing) I figured I would just answer all these questions myself and find out the gender of the baby now! (Easy as that, huh?!)

Highs and Lows
This one you can do just by looking south: if you're carrying high, break out the pink. If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy.

Most people say that I'm carrying low...I have no idea, I'm carrying BIG in my eyes.

Low = BOY
Be Still My Beating Heart
Next time your OB pulls out the Doppler to listen to baby's heartbeat, ask her to tell you what the heart rate is. According to legend, 140+ beats per minute indicates a girl, and below 140 a boy.

Well, the last time we saw the doctor the heart beat was at exactly 140 beats per minute, I don't even want to think of what that means.  Today at the ultrasound it read 147...

147= GIRL
Sweet and Sour
Craving ice cream every single day? Some people believe this means it's a girl. If you have to have salty or sour stuff, then it's a boy. 

If you want to even call these two cravings, I guess I had one sweet and one salty.  One night I had a hankering for a pop tart and thought about driving to Walgreen's to get a box, but that meant that I had to put on a bra and pants, so I passed.  The next morning the craving passed and hasn't come back.  The other day I was alone for dinner and pulled into the grocery store.  I thought mac and cheese sounded mighty delicious.  I opted for the healthy Annie's organic whole wheat with white cheddar.  Note to self: when craving mac and cheese, go for the good stuff with florescent orange cheese.  I bet it would have tasted so much better.  I have an extra box now of the gross stuff.  Let me know if you want it and I'll bring it by.  

Sweet and salty = no vote
Chinese Birth Chart
This ancient method uses your age at conception and the month you did the deed to determine gender.

This one is a little tricky because conception could happened anywhere from March 29ish to April 2ish.  If it happened in March (which we like to say, because that's when we were in Hawaii) then they say it's a girl. However, if it happened in April, it's a boy. Maybe my friends who already have babies should log on and see if their child's gender is accurate?  Let me know, would you?

March or April = no vote

Potty Time
This one's a little out there. Pee in a cup, mix a tablespoon of Drano in, and watch to see if it changes color. Green = girl, and blue = boy.

Sorry kids, I'm not about to go and buy Drano so that I can use just one tablespoon.  Friends who live close, give me shout out if you have any and I'll be right over.  I'll even bring my very own cup. 
Even and Odd
Legend has it that the Mayans determined a baby's sex by looking at the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy.

33= odd
2013= odd
2 odd= GIRL
Unlocking the Mystery
This is one for a friend to try. Place a key in front of your preggo friend and ask her to pick it up. If she grabs it by the narrow part, she's in for sugar and spice and all that. If she picks it up by the round part, it's snips and snails.

I read this first so I may try to swing the vote if I asked Daniel to put a key by my feet.  However, if I had to guess, I would say I would always grab the round plastic part and not the gross dirty, greasy part that sticks into the car.  

Unfair voting = no vote
Spot On
If you're breaking out like crazy, blame it on your girl babe. The belief goes that girls steal their mother's beauty, hence, those annoying zits.

I broke out like crazy for the first 3 months but now have a crystal clear face...they don't tell you what that means.

zits past, no zits present= no vote
Nice Ring to It
Pop off your wedding ring -- if you still can! -- and tie it to a string. Hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, a little guy's in your future. If it goes back and forth, you've got a girl.

Well, we accidentally did this first with my engagement ring and it swung in a circle, then we realized that it said do it with your wedding ring.  I must have a perfectly balanced wedding ring because it did absolutely nothing--no back and forth, no side to side, no circle--no movement whatsoever! 

No movement= no vote
Queasy Does It
Sick as a dog during the first trimester -- or still? Signs indicate you're having a girl. Little or no morning sickness points to a boy.

Not one single day of queezy-ness- thank the lord! = BOY

Well, buns! 2 votes for a girl and 2 for a boy aren't really helping me now are they...I guess I'll just have to wait TWELVE DAYS to find out if this little mango sized baby is! 

On another note, we celebrated our one year anniversary on Sunday (7-28) by heading back up to Evergreen to stay in our cute little, off the grid cabin for two days.  It was great to be together and reflect on the last year. We ended the night watching our wedding video and remembering what an awesome time we had celebrating with you all.  

~Mama Jess

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