Weekly Belly Pictures

I would like everyone to note the special care that was put into making each of these pictures exactly the same.  Daniel is very particular that the camera be 40" from the laundry room door, 49 1/2 " from the guest room door and 56 1/2 " from the ground.  If anyone has ever seen Daniel purchase something at a store, pack a car or build a campfire, you'll know that this weekly picture taking task takes about 10 times as long as the normal person as he measures one length and moves it to be accurate which then inevitably throws off the measurement in another direction which has to be moved and then causes a ripple effect in the former measurement.  So, please be complementary to him in noticing how wonderfully accurate each picture is. :)

~Mama Jess

These pictures were stored on Daniel's
computer until this week.  I couldn't
believe he didn't mention Giant Arm
after 13 weeks!  Thank goodness I caught
it and didn't go all 40!

Wow! I thought I felt bigger this week
and the picture proves it! PS- Thanks
to Papa Poo Poo Head for making the
signs every week.  19 more to go,  Pops!



Ok, ok, it's been rough getting these taken recently.  Here are my excuses:
2. My energy level after work is zero.
3. The thought of changing clothes THREE times a day makes me want to cry.  
It's bad enough that I have to bend over and put shoes on once a day
4. I know, you have to gain weight when pregnant, but I can't stop looking at my double chin in pictures.
It takes about 4 pictures for me to pick one that I sorta/almost like to post on this page.
5. The tape measure is never where it's supposed to be with construction these days. 
Today, I said F-it and just put the camera on the tripod.  So much for exact measuring for 7 more weeks.

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