Thursday, July 25, 2013


Last Friday evening, Meg called and asked if I wanted to join her at a neighborhood garage sale in a new and upcoming part of town called Stapleton.  To give you an idea of Stapleton, my friends Sarah and John moved in last year and she posted this video on her blog about all the trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood.  The woman in the video says she had approx 1,200 kids in 2 hours and 45 minutes and gave out 28 pounds of candy! Needless to say, this neighborhood is filled with kids and babies and I jumped at the opportunity to try to score some good baby loot for super cheap as well as do some good reusing for Mother Earth!

We arrived in the neighborhood at 7:30 and armed with my partner-in-crime hit up house after house after house. Literally every 5th house was participating and 95% of them had anything and everything related to kids and babies out on their lawn.  Being with Meg was a dream come true.  Her little boy, Grayden will be 3 in November and she is an expert in anything baby.  She advised me what was a good deal, what was overpriced, what toys babies like, what they won't play with and what I could absolutely not live without.  

The garage sale-ing ended at 11:30 and I am one happy Mommy:

Baby Einstein Exersaucer- new $84, garage sale? $8!

Baby Einstein Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym- new $45, garage sale? $5!
Kelty Kids Backpack Carrier- new $279, garage sale? $5!
Bouncer Seat- new $30, garage sale? $5!
16 Dr. Seuss Hardcover Books- new $13 each, garage sale? .25 cents each!
Meowsic Keyboard- new $32, garage sale? $5!
Cold Weather Carseat Cover- new $35, garage sale? $1!
Sleep Sheep- new $25, garage sale? $1!
Light Up Activity Ball- new $15, garage sale? $2!

This is what the car looked like at the
end of the day--Meg had found some
awesome deals too!

This was just the good stuff that I could find on Amazon.  I also walked away with a ton of baby toys and books and as many gender neutral warm newborn clothes I could find.  I'm almost glad we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, I could have come home with even more stuff- I need to save some things for my registry!

Monday is the big 20 week ultrasound-- half way down!  We'll have the doctor put the gender in an envelope I'll and hand it off to Auntie Rhonda who will be in change of buying and getting things ready for the big reveal party. SO excited!!!

~Mama Jess

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