Friday, April 3, 2015

We have a walker! AND we have a runner!

It look Porter 14 1/2 months to figure it out but we officially have a toddler! It's amazing how just before my very eyes my baby transformed into not a baby anymore.  In my arms he feels like a baby but when I see pictures of him, he looks so much like a little boy-it's crazy.

Daniel and I had been waiting for Porter's first steps for several months.  We must have said, "He's so close to walking, " about 900 times.  One afternoon after school the three of us were in the back room and Porter was cruising the furniture, per usual, and just like that he let go and stood for several seconds.  I put my arms out and BOOM he walked right to me! We both squealed with delight and he let our a huge belly laugh because we were so excited for him.  The best part was he did it over and over and over again!

Walking isn't the only big change we have seen in Porter over the past few weeks.  The kid is a walking, talking, signing ball of energy.

Words he can say:
opie (open- this is my favorite word he says, after Mama, of course)
agua (water)
appa (apple)
woof woof (for all dogs)
ni ni (night night)
bye bye

Animal sounds:
woof woof
oooh ooooh (monkey)
who who (owl)
elephant sound (I have no idea how to spell this!)
sssssss (snake)

Words he can sign:
all finished
Words we're working on- jump, egg, dance, music, cheese, wait, please, thank you

Body parts he knows and Spanish and English:
belly/belly button
and my favorite, "Donde esta Porter?" (Where is Porter?)  He points to himself with a huge grin. :)

Ahhh! Reading back over this makes me so joyful.  Being with him is incredibly entertaining.  I can't believe how many times I told Newborn Porter to never grow up, and now that I have a communicating little boy, I realize how sorta boring a tiny baby is. (Did I just admit that out loud??) I mean seriously- look at how stinking cute he is!

Putting on our shoes- his newest obsession

In other news- my new year resolution this year was to participate in a little competition called 2015 in 2015.  Running 2015 miles in the year 2015.  My two amazing running buddies (that I trained with for the October Rock and Roll 1/2) and I joined as a team and pledged to run 56 miles each, per month.  What an amazing motivating pledge it has been.  Not only do I run when I really don't want to- but I FINALLY inspired Daniel to start running.  (I say finally, because when I started training in July, he said that he would like to run with me.)  This took 7 months but he did finally buy a new pair of shoes and we run together (with P and Eazy) a few times a week.  

2015 is a group of 17,000 people around the world, that are all competing in various groups to conquer this challenge.  Some people are running solo (running 6 miles a day), some are in groups, some are walking, many are recovering from having surgeries, others are starting over after having a baby.  Some people only count runs (that's me), others are counting all their walking during the day plus any running they do for exercise, and everyone is totally excited about participating.  There is a FB group that we all belong and the amount of love and support for running and for each other is amazing.  

I meet my girls every Saturday morning at 7:30 and we usually run anywhere from 6-8 miles together and ALWAYS take a picture. :)  We talk kids, life, jobs, houses, husbands, food, and about our week. We ran into two women the other week on the Highline Canal who told us that they have run together every Saturday morning for the past 6 years.  Running away, we decided that that wanted to be us!  I LOVE love love the anticipation of Saturday mornings and meeting up with my running mamas.  157  miles down, 515 to go!   

Another 1/2 under my belt! Conquer the Damn 13.1


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