Friday, April 17, 2015

Mama- Momma- MOMMY!

Porter is figuring out this whole speaking thing and it is just blowing my mind!  He now says "words" back to me when I ask him to say them and many of them actually-sorta-maybe sound like that word.  My favorite is "beanbag."  It comes out something like "bebe" but I know exactly what he's talking about.  I ask him to say a lot of words and he always tries to spit out something that he thinks resembles the word.  It's interesting- I have felt like he's been taking off when it comes to language over the past week and look at this!  Below is how many words kids say on average at certain months:

12 months- 3 words
15 months- 14 words
16 months- 40 words
18 months- 68 words
23 months- 200 words

Porter turned 16 months this week and it all makes perfect sense.  He's not at 40 words, but for a kid that listens to Spanish for 40 hours a week, I'd say he's off to a great start.  I keep meaning to ask Irma what words he says in Spanish.  Certainly, if he has 20 or so in English, he has to have just as many in Spanish.

New words:
Ball, duck, beanbag, banana (no longer nana) and mouth

New sounds-
Gorilla, duck, train, and car

New signs-
Please (adorable)

My newest favorite word is officially Mommy.  Daniel and I refer to each other as Mama and Dada and I'm not quite sure where he picked up Mommy and Daddy but he likes to say them often and he likes to say them loud!  He has realized that yelling them in his crib usually pull at our heart strings and can't resist but to go in to get him. He also just likes to yell them intermittently during his play- maybe he likes hearing them as much as we do, maybe he just wants to check that we're still in the room with out looking up.  Who knows, but I swear, my heart will melt forever whenever I hear his little voice say Mommy. <3

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