Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's a baby!

We're REALLY having a baby! Yesterday we had our first doctors appointment and we have our first official pictures of baby!  We heard and saw the heart beat and the doctor told us that things are looking great.  This was exactly what we wanted to hear. She sat with us for close to an hour, answered all our questions and made us feel so good. We celebrated the news (and Daddy's birthday) at Sushi Hai after the appointment.  It was a terrific night!

The whole family now knows the news- we told Aunt Deb over Skype on Mother's Day after asking her if she had an old crib we could have.  She looked at us with raised eyebrows and asked why we would need a crib?? Our huge smiles gave us away! Daniel's parents found three weeks ago over Skype.  We asked Margy if she could weave baby blankets on her new loom?  She didn't skip a beat and squealed with delight!! We love that our family can now share in the excitement (and secret) for the next four weeks.

Baby is the size of a  large raspberry!

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