Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Introducing, Grandma Gigi!

It was a weekend of big reveals in the Hillman household this weekend.  Uncle Lex found out on Friday night, Papa Poo Poo Head found on on Saturday and finally Grandma Gigi found out on Sunday night.  We had intended to wait one more week and tell her on Mother's Day but knowing that we had to spend an evening with her celebrating our birthdays, and not tell her, seemed impossible.  So we scratched our Mother's Day plan and concocted a new one that evening.  The hardest part was we had to wait all the way through cooking dinner, all the way through eating dinner and all the way through looking at every page of our 100 page Hawaii Honeymoon album before she learned the news!

I made a sign that read, "Guess what mom?! We're having a baby! 12-23-13" and taped it to the last page of the photo book. She about died when she read it and I'm so glad we go it on camera.  Priceless...love you mama.

~Mama Jess

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