Sunday, May 5, 2013

Introducing, Papa Poo Poo Head!

This weekend we had our Birthday Brew-au Luau.  Dad came in earlier in the day to help us get ready.  We had Rusty's Hawaiian wild boar to prepare, tiki torches to light, real Hawaiian flowers to arrange and fake alcoholic drinks to make!  We planned to tell dad before the party but as time got closer to the start of the party and we still had things to do, we were cutting things close.  We knew we wanted to tell him while Lex was taking our picture and so we quickly headed out front to snap a few family pictures.  They started out innocently enough...
 During the pictures I casually asked dad...

JGH- Hey dad, what do you want to be called when you're a grandpa?

DSG- Poo Poo Head!
JGH- You sure about that?
DSG- Yeah! Poo Poo Head!
JGH- Is that what it's going to be?
DSG- I don't know.  Why are you asking me anyway?  Have a baby first!

And that's when he finally realized that we were trying to tell him that we were having a baby! Everyone, meet Papa Poo Poo Head!

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