Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Happy Surprise Birthday Grandpa!!!

Last weekend we took our first plane trip to Houston to surprise Grandpa for his 70th birthday.  It was a quick trip but filled with family, friends, fun and firsts!

The trip started off with Porter's first airplane flight.  He was amazing!  He slept through the first half, played wonderfully the second and didn't shed a single tear.  He was so well behaved and I was shocked (even a bit mad!) that  no one commented on how well he did!!  I mean, come on, if he had cried, I know I would have gotten a million dirty looks, but a good baby gets nothing!? I'll be sure, from now on, to compliment any family traveling with well behaved babies! We decided to wait and be the last ones off so that we could get a cockpit picture--the pilot was more than happy and even let P and Daddy sit in the co-pilot's seat! Too cute!

The next leg of the trip was the first surprise of the weekend.  Riley and Ian didn't know we were coming into town to see them, they thought they were headed to the airport to pick up their dad.  It was so fun being able to surprise them and have them meet baby Porter for the first time.  

We were riding down the escalator at this point--they knew they knew
us but didn't understand why we were there and not dad! 

The second surprise was for Grandpa--we had the three grand kids wait out front and we rang the doorbell.  Grandpa came to the door and was shocked to see them waiting there for him!  Surprise!

And the fighting who gets to hold the baby starts!

The following morning we had professional family pictures taken (I'll post when we get them).  Porter experienced a few firsts during the shoot...

Technically his little feet hadn't ever touched the ground, naturally because we are always holding him. Daddy had always joked that he wanted a piece of sod or some dirt from Texas at the hospital so that as soon as Porter was born we could plop him in the dirt and tell him that his feet touched Texas before Colorado. Fortunately for Daddy, his toes never made it onto Colorado soil and we have pictures of the three of us where his feet touch ground for the first time--Houston ground!  

The second "first" for the little man happened during a shot of him in his tummy time position.  The photographer was on the ground taking pictures of him and right then and there, in front of the camera he rolled over for the very first time! Clearly, he loves to perform in front of the camera as much as his mama does!

Later in the afternoon we invited some of Daniel's college buddies over to hang out and meet Porter.  The weather was great for hanging out in the yard, the kids played and we were able to catch up with everyone.  

Big Brother Paul and his wife Datra. 

Another first for Porter--Texas Blue Bonnet pictures! The Blue Bonnet is the state flower of Texas and you are not a true Texan if you don't have pictures of your kids sitting in these beauties! We snapped a ton of pictures of Mr. P playing in them and Daniel even declared that Porter ate his first solid food, after we pulled some petals from his mouth.  If he couldn't be born in Texas, this is the closest he'd ever be!

That night we headed to a yummy Houston Mexican dinner with Grandpa and his closest friends.  The trip was a complete success and didn't scare us of from future travel plans.  We head to California in a few short weeks for my good friend, Kate's wedding.  Porter will be our travel buddy as we head to wine country to spend a fun weekend with all my CHIX.  (He told me he's very excited to see them again.)

Happy Birthday Grandpa- I love you! Love, PDH

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