Sunday, April 27, 2014


As I transition back to my first full month back at work I can't help but be reminded at what great friends and family I have.  So many people reached out to make sure our little family transitioned as best as could be expected.  We survived and are currently enjoying the countdown to summer break (29 days!!!!).  I can't wait to wake up and have Porter to myself each and every day for the whole summer!  I know my parents will miss him, though.  My going back to work was a joyous occasion for them as they have loved spending time with the little man.  Grammy is probably the only person on the planet that looks forward to Monday mornings, where I hate them and frown as I walk out the door, knowing I have a whole work week ahead of me.

A dear friend of mine, Katharine, sent this message to me on the morning we both headed back to work and left our babies behind.  I thought I would share...

Hope you're holding up ok. I wanted to share a thought that was shared with me by a wise, older friend on Friday. That was a rough day for me, when the weight of this transition of returning to work was really hitting me. But I found this comforting. She said that our children (and us as parents) will go through many transitions. These transitions are an inevitable part of growing up and maturing. One of the first ones our babes are faced with is us going back to work and leaving them in somebody else's care. What's important to remember is that it's not so much the transitions that matter but the quality of the caretakers who guide our children through these transitions - us, our husbands, our families and other trusted people. Our babies are in loving hands and they will be just fine - this week and far beyond. Somehow it helps me to think of this as a necessary rite of passage for Ivy rather than me abandoning her. Good luck tomorrow!

Porter has an amazing and lucky experience to be spending two full days a week with each my parents. They will each remember it with nothing but love and bonding and I'm so glad to have given this time to them.

Here we are when I got home from work on Monday--we both survived!! Yay!

Onto other news--some of you out-of-staters have requested final pictures of the nursery, as I promised that I would send eons ago.  The room came out wonderfully and I love all the detail that went into making it perfect.  There are hints of family and friends in the decor and I am so happy with how it turned out.

I'm showcasing this one in particular because I made it and am rather proud of myself!  My friend Marti is quite the crafter and I join her at her house every few months to participate in a girls craft night.  This 'P' was made with nails and string and I absolutely love how it looks in his room.  Marti is a creative genius and I always look forward to new projects to come home with.  In fact, if you would like to learn some pretty cool stuff, check out her website : Crafty Mom and Handy Dad! 

Onto more crafty news- lookie what I made all by myself! I saw this on Pinterest, loved it and made it.  I feel pretty good about it! So domesticated...

I'll end with some of my favorite pics from the month!

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