Friday, September 18, 2015

Fibroid Update

Last week Daniel and I went to the appointment with the surgeon and not only was it very informative but also it helped us make our final decision.

To start from the start...

Dr. Schultze was given all my pictures and charts from all our previous appointments but he wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound so that he could see what he was working with with his own eyes.  Before he was able to tell us much about what he was seeing he asked me if there was any way I could be pregnant.  My period had started 6 days earlier, there was no way I was pregnant.  He pointed out an area in my uterus that was filled with fluid.  This is usually an indicator of pregnancy.  He spent a lot of time looking at it for a potential heart beat or a "yolk sack" and finally had me get off the table to take a pregnancy test right then and there.  After he ran my cup to the lab he came in and told me that it was negative but that the fluid he was seeing concerned him.

After more poking and prodding around he came to the decision that not only is anything getting up my cervix (ie sperm), but not everything is coming out with each period either.  This was concerning to him because a "foreign substance" ie fluid, would most likely cause a federalized egg to not attach to the uterus and shed at the end of the month.  Doing IUI was not something that he recommended.  This fobroid needs to come out.

We then talked about the procedure that he would need to do in order to remove it.  Ideally, the whole thing would be done laproscopically- a laparoscopic myomectomy- but because it is so far back in my uterus he's concerned about having enough room to do this and keeping away from my arteries. He plans on discussing this with his "team" and making a decision with them.  If not laparoscopic, he will have to make an incision on top of my c-section scar and take it out this way.

The laparoscopic procedure is naturally what I want.  I will have four very small scars,  recovery time will be about 2 weeks and we could start trying for a baby 3-4 months after that.  The latter would mean potentially 4 weeks of recovery time and 6+ months of waiting to get pregnant.  He is also booked out for 3-4 months.  I was so hoping to have this done ASAP and the thought of waiting 4 months until I can even have the surgery is a bit of a disappointment.  However, I cannot be too disappointed.  Everything is okay with my body.  I can still get pregnant after this- naturally.  In the grand scheme of things, 6-12 months will seem like drop in the bucket.  I can continue running races, chasing after Porter, enjoying a good glass of wine, getting tipsy at a beer festival, eat all the sushi my heart desires, and continue to drop a few lbs (I'm officially UNDER my wedding weight, thank you very much!). I can wear all the clothes in my closet, eat all the unpasturized cheese my heart desires and enjoy a few more months of non-pregnancy rules.

Thanks for all the emails, texts and calls of support over the past few weeks.  I will be sure to keep everyone posted on all things surgery.  Until then, we will have to continue to hear stories and look at pictures of the cutest toddler on the planet.

~ Mama Jess

1 comment:


    Jess - check out Dr. Hilgers in Omaha. We have extensive experience with him. Let me know if you want to discuss.
