Saturday, September 13, 2014

Top 10 lists

It has officially been 4 weeks since Mr. Pie decided that nursing is no longer for him. (Boo) I've accepted the fact that he's finished and have made VERY good friends with my pump. I plan to pump for 3 more months, until Porter turns 1 (!) and then at that point, switch over to cows milk and let Bessie take it from there.  I'm sad and this is not how I would have seen my future but I'm trying to find the silver lining...

Top 10 reasons why I have to tell myself that it's okay that I'm no longer breastfeeding:

10. I can have P feed himself allowing me to have more time to do stuff around the house.
9. I can wear a real bra! I went to Nordstrom's and took care of this last weekend- hello support!
8. I am no longer scared of being bit by two very sharp little bottom teeth.
7. Friends can now snuggle with P while he takes a bottle.
6. No more hiding baby under the ole hooter hider in public.
5. I can still pump and get P the good stuff from the boobie juice.
4. If he's hungry, I can feed him in the stroller while on a run. Can't do that with boobs!
3. This gives a whole new meaning to multitasking:
     pump and put on makeup
     pump and empty dishwasher
     pump and give P a bath
     pump and fold laundry
2. Daniel can have some baby bonding time that I've been lucky enough to have all this time.
And the very best and most awesome reason...
1.  I can sleep in!!!!! Saturday's are my days on P duty, and Daddy takes Sunday. Woo hoo!

Top 10 reasons why I hate that I no longer breastfeed:

 10. I HATE washing pump parts
9. I HATE cleaning bottles
8. I have to remember a bottle wherever I go.
7. I pump and pump and pump again all day, 7 days a week. 
6. I have to heat up a bottle for 2:45- this is an eternity when you are holding a crying baby!
5. I am not certain I can pump all he needs and may have to supplement with formula.
4. This is a shit ton of pumping and I'm only a month in. #nippletrauma
3.No more mommy and baby bonding time.
2.No more mommy and baby bonding time.
1.No more mommy and baby bonding time. I'm still so sad about this. Sniff sniff.

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