Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My favorite time of day

My favorite part of my work week day is when Grammy sends me pictures of my baby.  I love how they each capture a part of his personality as well as bring a huge smile to my face.  I also love that I get to be a small part of their day and know that they are having a wonderful time together. 

His hands are always- I mean ALWAYS in his mouth!

If his hands aren't in his mouth, he is picking at his clothes and attempting to put them in his mouth. I love that belly so much!

This was taken before he learned to roll over from his back to his tummy, which he officially did for the first time last weekend.  He now wakes himself up in the middle of the night because he's on his tummy and can't roll back over! Trust me, it's middle of the night torture for us all.  We call can't wait until he realizes that sleeping on your tummy is much more comfortable than on your back!

I could look at him sleep all day.  He's so peaceful and beautiful.  It takes everything I have not to pick him up and snuggle his sleeping little body. 

Now that he has great head control, he loves his tummy time and he LOVES looking at his reflection in the mirror (he must take after me!).

Another one of my favorite parts of the day is when we are in the kitchen together before work.  He sits in his very masculine pink Bumbo chair and watches me cook an egg every morning.  It's these few minutes that we have alone every morning that I will miss when he is mobile and doesn't want to watch me cook.  We sing songs and laugh laugh laugh. 

Baby P just learned what his feet are and loves to play with them - who needs toys when you have 10 verrrryyy long toes to entertain you! Good thing sock season is almost over, these suckers hardly ever stay on anymore.


I mean, how cute is a naked baby?  It's even cute when he pees all over me, which happens quite often these days!

One more week of text message pictures of my baby boy and then SUMMER BREAK STARTS! I can't wait to have 2 1/2 months with my little man, we're going to have so much fun together!

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