Sunday, March 2, 2014

To pacifier or not to pacifier

When Porter turned four weeks I started off using a pacifier.  Lactation consultants will warm against starting one too soon in fear of "nipple confusion" but say after four weeks babies should be able to tell the difference between the two.  I actually really like that he took one so easily.  I instantly felt better about taking my brand new baby out into public knowing I could buy myself some time before having to whip out the boobs.  I could just plug him up and make it home to nurse in the comfort of my own home.  What has transpired over the past few weeks is that I may have a thumb sucker on my hands.  Despite all my efforts to use a pacifier, Mr. P may be making up his own mind about using his hand/thumb for comfort instead of this rubble nipple.  

I'm torn: do I let him form habits of a pacifier and have the pain of washing, buying, losing, dropping, and keeping track of one at all times?  Or do I let him start/continue to sick his thumb and deal with germs, breaking habits and possible orthodontic problems in the future? Who knows.  For now, I'll continue to keep track of my many pacifiers and let him finds his hands when it pops out!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pacifier...just because it's easier and you are in charge of taking it away. I have several friends with babies who don't use them b/c day care understandably does not want to do the washing and keeping track of for multiple babies. I love your approach, and I think the fact that you and he have multiple ways for soothing is the most important! Love you!!!
