Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Who do I look like??

The question we hear over and over again is who does Porter look like?  Some babies pop out and look just like one parent or another...not this kid.  He has some of my features (sorry Daddy) but we can both say that he doesn't look really like either of us.

Initially we heard that he resembled his Uncle Lex...haha...


We also think he may look like his cousin, Ian...here are their two pictures back-to-back (Porter on the left).

...but the more time that goes by we keep seeing/hearing that he resembles me. He definitely has my chin and Daniel thinks he has my same eye shape. 

My favorite part about his precious little face?  He has a small dimple on his left cheek that you can only make out when he smiles.  It only makes me want to see him smile more just so I can see it again! 

It's hard to get a "dimple" photo, here's the best I could do for now!

Things are going great. Baby Porter is officially five weeks old and there are some noticeable changes in him.  He is much more alert and will stay awake for larger chunks during the day.  He's also definitely figured out his days and his nights.  During the day he is on a fairly regular 3 hour schedule and during the night he's stretching into 4+ hours.  Last night he slept for 6 whole hours straight--a dream come true for Mama!

Not only is Porter figuring things out but I am too!  I have gotten out of the house many days on all by myself, nursed successfully in public (under a cover, no hippy boobs for me!),met friends for lunch, ran errands while carting around the ridiculously heavy car seat, walked with a stroller AND the two dogs at the same time, mastered washing his cloth diapers so that we don't run out the next day, showered every morning, and have even attempted some easy work outs via Youtube!  I also spend hours a day staring into the eyes of this precious little gift and take about 1 million pictures of him a day.  A few of my favorites...

Isn't he just the cutest piece of pie you've ever seen!

Yeah, he does!

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