Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let the countdown begin!

We had our ultrasound on Tuesday, found out a little more information about the dreaded c-section and decided that it was in our (and Bubba's) best interest to go ahead and get something in the books.

Here's the skinny...
The large circle on the left is the baby's head, the larger on the right is the fibroid (huge, I know!)

Shifting the picture to the left, you can make out the baby's head on the top left and now see the whole fibroid on the right.  The white line at the 1:00 position of the fibroid is my cervix--you can tell that's it's virtually blocked by the fibroid. This is the reason for the c-section.  But wait, there's more...

Given the placement of the fibroid, a "normal" c-section cut would only reveal the fibroid and not the baby. The doctor suspects that they are going to have to do what's called a classical c-section, where the cut is higher in my abdominal wall.  Because of this we are waiting to talk to a "high risk c-section doctor" about doing the surgery on December 20th.  

We currently have a 10:30 surgery scheduled for December 17th with an amazing doctor who we met yesterday and talked to at length about the procedure, risks, surgeons, post-operation etc.  She answered all our questions and made us feel so much better. We'll keep the surgery with her if the other doctor isn't available.  Until then, it's just waiting time...tick tock!

Awe, how cute is he??!

I'll keep you all posted!
~Mama Jess

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