Friday, December 13, 2013


FOUR MORE DAYS! I can't wait to meet this little man. 💙💙💙💙💙💙

Monday, December 9, 2013

Baby Showers!

Last week I had two baby showers: one at school and the other with my mom and a gaggle of her good friends.  I was nervous thinking about going into early labor and missing these two events as I know the hostess had spent a lot of time planning and getting ready for the big day. Fortunately, yes, I'm STILL pregnant...tick tock tick tock.

Several months ago, my incredably creative and artistic teammate asked me what I wanted the theme of my baby shower to be.  I remembered last year the creativity she put into a Star Wars themed school shower and I was at a loss.  I blurted out, "recycling?" and left it at that.  Well, she went above and beyond what a Recycling Shower could be--it was absolutely amazing!

The first thing I noticed was the real silverware and reusable napkins on the food table, not to mention the awesome pies and snacks.  Instead of table cloths, the tables were decorated with newspapers, tissue paper flowers (in plastic bottle vases), toilet paper cars and monsters made from Kleenex boxes.  The ceiling was hung with tons and tons and tons of cardboard bulbs and everyone took the gift bags that I left in the lounge from a previous shower and re-used the bags.  It was so great, so creative and so green!  I hope the pictures do justice...

This shower was followed up a few days later hosted by my mom's good friend Karie.  Invited were many of her good friends that I have known for many years (some from as far back as elementary school).  We snacked on baby sized foods with baby sized utensils and used bibs as napkins.  We talked the whole time about babies, grand-babies, c-sections, labor, baby clothes and any other baby themed conversation you could think of.   Gigi, Mimi, Grandma Gigi, Grandbear, Glamma, Yulahly, Mom even got some help trying to pick her grandma name from the group.  I'm so happy that we had this conversation and am glad to say that Grandbear and Glamma were immediately eliminated from consideration.  I don't know what I would have done had my mother come into the recovery room and announced that she wanted Bubba to call her Grandbear. I might have cried.  Mimi is in the front running and I agree that this name fits her perfectly.  She only has 8 days to do more internet research....there sure are some interesting names out there.  I'm not sure how I would feel calling my grandmother: Nutty Nanna, Bun Bun, or GoGo, but hey, to each their own!

Bronco PJs that Daniel will hate! It makes me love
them even more!!

An almost three generation picture!
The c-section has officially been booked at 10:30am on December 17th.  Assuming all goes as planned, we'll have a baby in our arms in EIGHT days!!  Woo hoo!
38 weeks today! Bubba is as big
as a pumpkin!


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let the countdown begin!

We had our ultrasound on Tuesday, found out a little more information about the dreaded c-section and decided that it was in our (and Bubba's) best interest to go ahead and get something in the books.

Here's the skinny...
The large circle on the left is the baby's head, the larger on the right is the fibroid (huge, I know!)

Shifting the picture to the left, you can make out the baby's head on the top left and now see the whole fibroid on the right.  The white line at the 1:00 position of the fibroid is my cervix--you can tell that's it's virtually blocked by the fibroid. This is the reason for the c-section.  But wait, there's more...

Given the placement of the fibroid, a "normal" c-section cut would only reveal the fibroid and not the baby. The doctor suspects that they are going to have to do what's called a classical c-section, where the cut is higher in my abdominal wall.  Because of this we are waiting to talk to a "high risk c-section doctor" about doing the surgery on December 20th.  

We currently have a 10:30 surgery scheduled for December 17th with an amazing doctor who we met yesterday and talked to at length about the procedure, risks, surgeons, post-operation etc.  She answered all our questions and made us feel so much better. We'll keep the surgery with her if the other doctor isn't available.  Until then, it's just waiting time...tick tock!

Awe, how cute is he??!

I'll keep you all posted!
~Mama Jess