Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Last night was the first night that I officially went into "nesting" mode.  Daniel was finishing up a paper in the back room and I could only sit and play Candy Crush silently for so long before I started to go crazy.  I stood up, looked around my house and that's when it hit me.  If I went into labor tonight, is this what I would want my house to look like when I got home?

And so it began...I was down on my hands and knees scrubbing toilets, doing laundry, finishing up thank you cards, paying bills, re-folding and organizing my napkins and dish towels, cleaning out the fridge, organizing the pantry, cleaning the microwave, putting away clutter, polishing silver, and dusting...it was the craziest feeling.  I know I "officially" have 3 weeks and 6 days left to go (to the 12-23 due date) and I can only imagine the amazing condition of my house if I nest for this long!  It'll be great! Oh! I also packed our bags for the hospital and filled out all the hospital paperwork--we're all ready to go!

The best part about cleaning is that I officially love love love my "new" house!  Construction is over and the house looks so great.  We have a flow that makes sense and I love being in my kitchen and seeing out into the rest of the house.  It's amazing how such a small change can make such a big difference.  There are just a few small things that we need to do in Bubba's room and then the re-model will be 100% complete.

We're waiting for the mattress, sheets, curtains, and 
another few hours of sewing to finish the slip cover). 
Appreciate the exact measuring of the stripes in this picture.
It took Daniel and Uncle Lex HOURS to make sure they
were straight.  Good job boys!

I have three adorable prints coming from Etsy
to frame and put up around this area as well as
the changing pad. 

The tile letters on top of the bookshelf are big scrabble letters
of Bubba's "real" name.  These will be hung above here 
along with a few other framed pictures.  

I sat in his room last night for awhile just rocking and thinking about him.  He has gotten very active in the past few days and I swear he liked the rocking.  He kept rolling around and around and around.  It's crazy to think how soon he'll actually be here.  It's getting very exciting!

36 weeks, Bubba is as big as a honeydew!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
~Mama Jess

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