Friday, September 27, 2013

Pain in the ass...

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but trying to find something other than the knife-like dagger back pain that has left me practically immobile for the past two days, proves impossible.    I actually left school today after a half day because my morning was so miserable. One wrong step and I am left breathless and practically in tears.  In fact, this morning before school started, I was in so much pain that I couldn't stop the waterworks and knew that I needed to see a professional and get professional advice.  I managed to survive my morning with lots of sympathy from my perfect little angels and didn't feel bad ordering them around to get me certain books or fetch my water bottle, so that I could stay seated as much as possible.

Unfortunately, my worst thoughts came true after an afternoon doctor's appointment...there is absolutely nothing that can be done for me.  Posterior Pelvic Pain (in my ass) is something that I'm going to have to live with for the next three-ish months. Basically, your sacrum and your hip bones are a "fixed" joint, meaning for all of you non-pregnant people out there, yours doesn't move.  Because of my hormones and all the stretching and moving and widening and shifting of my body, mine has become un-fixed.  The pain I am feeling is the grinding together of these two bones.  Ouch.

Rest and ice was the doctors advice.  The ice part I can handle, it's the rest part that has me nervous.  I'm itching to vacuum my back room, would like to start a load of laundry and would KILL for a walk around the block with the dogs.  All three are out of the question for this weekend.  The good news, Daniel has seen me cry over this pain enough this week and is doing a great job at keeping me seated and behaves just like a fifth grader when I ask him to grab me this or that. :) Awe, so sweet.

Some pics of how I'm currently feeling...

On the other hand, our little Bubba has been movin' and shakin' a ton in the past few weeks.  It is the strangest/weirdest/craziest feeling that is 100% impossible to describe.  Some of his kicks are so strong that I let out a little yelp when they take me by surprise.  Monday officially marks the start of my third trimester and he is the size of a head of lettuce.  We heard the heartbeat today (130 bpm) and things are "looking good."   Think of me this weekend trying to relax--hopefully Monday morning at school will bring better things. Until then...

~Mama Jess

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