Friday, September 27, 2013

Pain in the ass...

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but trying to find something other than the knife-like dagger back pain that has left me practically immobile for the past two days, proves impossible.    I actually left school today after a half day because my morning was so miserable. One wrong step and I am left breathless and practically in tears.  In fact, this morning before school started, I was in so much pain that I couldn't stop the waterworks and knew that I needed to see a professional and get professional advice.  I managed to survive my morning with lots of sympathy from my perfect little angels and didn't feel bad ordering them around to get me certain books or fetch my water bottle, so that I could stay seated as much as possible.

Unfortunately, my worst thoughts came true after an afternoon doctor's appointment...there is absolutely nothing that can be done for me.  Posterior Pelvic Pain (in my ass) is something that I'm going to have to live with for the next three-ish months. Basically, your sacrum and your hip bones are a "fixed" joint, meaning for all of you non-pregnant people out there, yours doesn't move.  Because of my hormones and all the stretching and moving and widening and shifting of my body, mine has become un-fixed.  The pain I am feeling is the grinding together of these two bones.  Ouch.

Rest and ice was the doctors advice.  The ice part I can handle, it's the rest part that has me nervous.  I'm itching to vacuum my back room, would like to start a load of laundry and would KILL for a walk around the block with the dogs.  All three are out of the question for this weekend.  The good news, Daniel has seen me cry over this pain enough this week and is doing a great job at keeping me seated and behaves just like a fifth grader when I ask him to grab me this or that. :) Awe, so sweet.

Some pics of how I'm currently feeling...

On the other hand, our little Bubba has been movin' and shakin' a ton in the past few weeks.  It is the strangest/weirdest/craziest feeling that is 100% impossible to describe.  Some of his kicks are so strong that I let out a little yelp when they take me by surprise.  Monday officially marks the start of my third trimester and he is the size of a head of lettuce.  We heard the heartbeat today (130 bpm) and things are "looking good."   Think of me this weekend trying to relax--hopefully Monday morning at school will bring better things. Until then...

~Mama Jess

Monday, September 9, 2013

The good with the bad...

After reading all my complaining in last week's post I decided that I needed to post that sounds a bit more positive, so here we go... :)

The top 10 most WONDERFUL things about being pregnant, in no particular order:

10. I'm not on a diet for the first time in my life- It's interesting, I'm not gorging myself on donuts and ice cream, but I can eat a full meal and not feel guilty about what I have put in my mouth.  It feels good to be able to eat and have it be simply that, eating. I am getting freakishly close to weighing the same as Daniel but I have an app that reminds me almost weekly to repeat, "I am pregnant, I am not fat."  I like the following breakdown, it makes me feel better about where all that weight is actually going: baby 7-8 pounds, placenta 1-2 pounds, amniotic fluid 2-3 pounds, increased blood supply 3-5 pounds, uterus 2 pounds, fluid, fat and breast tissue (see number 3!) 10 pounds.  

9. I haven't been to the gym in weeks and I'm a-okay with this- With the pain in my back being aggravated by walking, most of my normal routines at the gym are something I just can't do.  I could go ride a stationary bike in the evenings or I could go home and spend the time with Daniel--not a hard choice.  I've been doing yoga 1-2 times a week and that feels good enough for me.

8. Getting out of hard work-I tell you, when you're pregnant, no one wants you to lift anything!  People carry my bags for me and I do a lot of standing around watching others move heavy objects.  I was mowing the lawn until about 3 weeks ago and I was nervous that the neighbors were going to start to gossiping about the pregnant lady whose husband won't mow the lawn.  I actually enjoy it and have always been the primary mower in the family. :)  It isn't hard and it gives me some exercise and sunshine.  However, Bubba finally told me that it was time for Daddy to finish the season of mowing.  I'll spend the rest of the summer/fall watching Daniel do the hard work while sipping my delicious water from a lawn chair. 

7. No sucking in- Every time I pose for a picture I have the urge to suck my tummy in.  No more worrying about tee-shirts being too tight and wondering if my un-pregnancy belly rolls are showing in pictures.  I can let it all hang out and no one knows any different!

6. Little hands rub my belly every afternoon- I walk the kids out to the bus every afternoon and between my 18 kiddos, I have handful more who run up for their hug/rub of the afternoon.  My favorite question that I've gotten twice now is, "Is it still a boy?"  Yes, it's still a boy.  I'll be sure to alert you if that changes!

5. I'm saving so much money by not shopping for new clothes-My usual summertime activity to kill an afternoon is shopping.  This summer I spent that time napping because the mall is so uninteresting when you can't fit into any of the clothes.  One can only look at jewelry, make-up, shoes and scarves for so long! I also have a handful of very generous girlfriends who have loaned me a ton of maternity clothes.  It felt like shopping when they handed them over and I'm loving picking out my "new" clothes every morning.  Thanks ladies!

4. No hangovers- The first morning, after a late night out, I remember waking up and thinking to myself, "Oh, don't roll over, don't move a muscle, I don't want my hangover to kick in quite yet.  Oh wait!  I'M NOT HUNGOVER!"  Coming from a lady who has suffered from plenty of hangovers in her life, this one is awesome.  I may be tired but I'll take tired over being hungover any day of the year. 

3. I have cleavage! Nuf said.  I also have thicker hair, my nails are growing faster then I can bite them and my face is as clear as ever.  Loving all of this.  

2. I get three months off from school- Well, this is a no-brainer!  The only downside to this is I have the most amazing class ever created and I can't believe I have to leave them for 12 weeks.  I would have moved heaven and earth to make this happen two classes ago but now I'm sad. I'm going to miss my babies.

1. My husband is getting things done around the house- If you saw last week's post, you saw what an amazing job he did with the laundry room.  Additional things going on are an office spot, finishing up the garage and a few other surprises that I'll be sure to keep you posted on in the near future.

25 weeks, Bubba is as big as a cauliflower.

This was taken at our friend's wedding, love this
picture of us.  <3

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rules, Rules and More Rules

I read recently that being pregnant is comparable to being a child again: nothing but a long list of rules. Do this, don't do this, avoid this, sleep this way and never eat that.  The amount of pregnancy information out there is simply amazing.  I have no less than 8 books on my nightstand, given to me by friends, that each give information intended to keep me and the baby as safe and healthy as possible. I also have two apps that give me daily and weekly information and have somehow found myself on several email lists that do much of the same. Goodness, the amount of information that I have inundated myself with is amazing. It's almost too much for me to keep up with.

The top 10 most annoying "rules" for pregnant women, in no particular order:

10. No alcohol- Okay, this one is obvious and I'm not even a big drinker, but man, there are just some days that I would like a big glass of red wine or a cold beer.  I have had a tiny sip or two over the past several months and, mmmm, they tasted so good!  It wasn't until this past weekend that I wished I could have sat down with something tasty to drink (that included alcohol).  Daniel and I spent all Saturday, Sunday and Monday putting up shelving in our laundry room and getting stuff moved out of the guest room in preparation for a nursery.  At the end of each day we collapsed onto the couch, Daniel with a cold beer and myself, with a cold water.  Mmmm...noting like water to reward yourself after a long days work.  Boo on no drinking.  I can't wait for 2014.

9.  No heavy lifting- This is a particularly hard rule for me because I'm used to being 1. independent and 2. like to get stuff done, fast.  I cannot always wait for Daniel's "Texas Time" to move a box for me, I want it done now.  Moving in to a new classroom this summer was a fun challenge- I really really tried to be aware of my box moving and fortunately Papa Poo Poo Head came in and gave me an entire day of work.  He did all the lifting, moving, chair standing, wall stapling, heavy classroom organizing that I needed.  Thanks Pops!

8. No sushi- Don't get me wrong, I have been to sushi plenty of times in the last 24 weeks but when I have to eat all cooked sushi and don't get any of my favorites, it bums me out.  Come January, sign me up for a spicy tuna and a salmon avocado roll, please!

7. No baths- This one is strange for me because I'm usually not a bath person, but my aching back (and recently, aching feet) sure wouldn't mind a good soak.  I find myself craving them and wishing I could just soak in a tub of hot bubbles and make the pain go away. Until then, I'll opt for a session with the chiropractor and a yoga class to ease my aches and pains.

6. No hot dogs- I know, I know, there is no nutritional value to them whatsoever but they are so good.  Daniel is a big hot dog fan and at every sports event we go to, my mouth waters just watching him bite into that hot, juicy deliciousness. Too many nitrates for this pregnant

5. To eat nuts or not to eat nuts- Depending on the book I read I learn that peanuts cause allergies in children when eaten by pregnant mothers.  On the flip side, other books say that eating peanuts will help build an immunity in your baby and they won't be allergic.  I have a teacher friend that had to cancel her Thanksgiving feast at her affluent elementary school because so many of the kids were gluten free, allergic to nuts, lactose intolerant, wheat free etc. etc.  In my school, I have never had a child with a known allergy.  I chalk it up to uptight mothering. My kid won't have allergies and I'm eating peanuts (and Peanut M&Ms) until my heart's content.

4. No cold medicine- I'm officially on my second cold during pregnancy and not being able to take anything, sucks.  I'm not a big medicine head but sometimes having a little green pill that drys you up or knocks you out, is awesome.  I'll be blowing my nose and sleeping elevated tonight--yay!

3. No soft cheeses- If cheese if pasteurized, it's deemed as "okay" but I still get nervous because EVERY SINGLE book, app and website warns you from eating it.  I love brie, feta and blue cheese.  I always check labels but still have a fear that I'm going to do harm when I chow down. So, I just close my eyes and pretend that it's not on my salad and enjoy every delicious bite!

2. No cold cuts- We have soup and sandwiches for dinner often enough that this rule has put a kink in my easy/quick dinner making abilities.  "They" say you can microwave the meat until it steams but I just steer clear.  We are also big lunch sandwich shop people.  There is no way that I'm going to be that lady and ask them to nuke my meat before putting it all together.  I miss me a good sandwich...

1. Sleep on your left side- This was the hardest rule for me to get used to.  I am a stomach sleeper--exclusively.  Sleeping on my sides, right or left 1. causes me terrible ear/cartridge pain.  It sounds crazy but I searched online and found many other people with my same condition.  I wake up in the middle of the night with terrible pain in my ears.  I bought a special pillow with an "ear hole" in it and it seems to be working enough-ish.  And 2. I now wake up with terrible hip pain on the side that I was sleeping.  Must be all that gained weight pushing down on my hips?  Ug, I'm not even thinking about that one...I'll admit, as the weeks go on, it's becoming more natural and given all the pillows that I have stacked around me, I feel like I'm in a cocoon.  110 days to go until I can get comfy on my tummy again, I can't wait!

~Mama Jess
The "Before": Ug, I can't even believe I'm
posting this.  So gross...
We found this cabinet at the
Habitat for Humanitie's Restoration Store for $18!
 Donated materials go to help build Habitat homes.
D finally gets to use his new saw.
Grunt grunt.
See all the junk in the garage? It's now in
the laundry room and we have room for
a car! Whoo hoooo!
We both got colds on Saturday and nap
time was necessary. (He's going to kill me
when he sees this picture. Love you babe!)
Voila! (We have been talking about this
project for MONTHS! Feels so good!) And
there is even leftover room for all the baby
stuff that's heading our way!
Bubba is a big as a cantaloupe! 6 months today!