Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wave Hello!

12 weeks
Today was our 12 week appointment and I have officially fallen in love...

I was so bummed thinking that we wouldn't have another ultrasound picture for 8 more weeks (the 20 week appointment is August 5 and that's when we'll find out the baby's gender) but today was our lucky day!  The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with the Doppler monitor and so we got to look at the heart instead (and snap a few more pictures).  And as bonus the baby waved hello to us!  It's amazing that something so amoeba-like 4 weeks ago looks so baby-like today! Lots of happy tears...

We're getting excited to go camping with our closest Denver friends this weekend so we can finally tell them and we have officially lifted the "no-telling" ban from our parents and siblings. Word should be spreading pretty fast at this point.  Yay!

~Mama Jess  

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