Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wave Hello!

12 weeks
Today was our 12 week appointment and I have officially fallen in love...

I was so bummed thinking that we wouldn't have another ultrasound picture for 8 more weeks (the 20 week appointment is August 5 and that's when we'll find out the baby's gender) but today was our lucky day!  The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with the Doppler monitor and so we got to look at the heart instead (and snap a few more pictures).  And as bonus the baby waved hello to us!  It's amazing that something so amoeba-like 4 weeks ago looks so baby-like today! Lots of happy tears...

We're getting excited to go camping with our closest Denver friends this weekend so we can finally tell them and we have officially lifted the "no-telling" ban from our parents and siblings. Word should be spreading pretty fast at this point.  Yay!

~Mama Jess  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


It's official, I have gone into hiding...the belly has popped, my clothes don't fit and we have one week before our 12 week appointment.

We have started to slowly share the news with our closest friends and it has been so much fun. Anyone who found out in the last few weeks haven't been all that surprised as the expanding belly is getting harder and harder to conceal.  My pants don't button anymore and not one single tee-shirt fits.  Someone even told my dad, "Jessie looks like she's put on some weight."  Oh good lord, I can't wait to shout the news from the rooftops that it's baby weight people!

The drinking, on the other hand, has gotten easier to fake as Daniel and I have gotten quite good at it. He chugs a beer, rinses it out and fills in with water and hands it off to me.  I drink and refill all night long and no one suspects a thing!  My good friends, Sarah and Krystal, have both commented in the last month, to my face, that there is no way that I'm pregnant because I'm drinking, duh. Haha! Joke's on them! I cannot wait to tell them all the secret and creative ways we've been getting around this.  I also cannot wait to stop the sneaking around and drink something besides tap water with a hint of beer aftertaste and let this growing tummy bulge out of my pants and sit comfortably for a change.

If you still don't know the news, it's coming soon enough (and you're not reading this, of course).  We have our 12 week doctor appointment on June 11 and when we get the a-ok, we'll officially let the cat out of the bag.  Daniel is actually very excited to tell some of our closer friends as I have gotten to share the news with a select handful of my girlfriends and he has gotten to tell virtually nobody.  We will be in Florida in two weeks with his grandparents and much of his family and I know he's looking forward to telling them in person.

It's been fun telling friends in different and creative ways.  One of my recent favorites was telling my girlfriend Jules, of 17 years, who is due with her first baby in late July.  I ordered us two matching onesies and put them side-by-side in a box and wrapped them up for her birthday.   We sat down to sushi and I handed her the box to open before I had to wiggle my way out of ordering a drink and raw fish. I envisioned her response to be, "Why are there two of them?"  No, she knew instantly and told me she had snuck a peek at my stomach as we were driving to dinner and had the whole thing figured out. So much for surprises!  It's been fun sharing this time with her.  We're already talking Bob strollers, diaper bags, crib sheets and we have to pee all the time together, it's great!

Julie's Birthday at the Bolder Boulder
10 weeks and 33 weeks
In baby news...the baby is now almost fully formed, is the size of a large plum and can open and close it hands.  Hair follicles and tiny tooth buds are formed and many of the bones are starting to harden.The diaphragm is forming this week and the baby could already have it's first case of the hiccups!  It's so crazy what happens every week.  I look forward to checking my email every Monday morning and reading what this new week of development has in store.  Until next Tuesday...

~Mama Jess