Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Heaven.  That is the only word that I need to describe our new house. Well, I may have a few more...

Daniel said it the other day and I couldn't agree more- there is nothing that we miss about our old house.  Nothing.

The house I will not miss.  The memories I will.
Our first owned home
Bringing Porter home from the hospital
Building the ketubah on the front lawn the day before we left for Steamboat
Calling wedding vendors from the patio table because we had no service in our house
Unpacking wedding gifts and wondering how on earth it was all going to fit
Watching all 6 episodes of Star Wars for the first time in the back room
Coming home from our honeymoon and telling Grammy Mimi that we were pregnant with "bubba"
Hosting our luau birthday BBQ in the back yard and drinking water from a beer bottle because I was keeping being pregnant a secret from all our friends
Porter calling Grandpa by name over Skype for the first time
Porter's first steps
Late night feedings- just the two of us in Porter's nursery
Celebrating Daniel's graduation from grad school
Finishing our remodel project weeks before Porter was born- no more sliding glass door in the bedroom!
Many successful football watching parties with a then, "kid free" group of friends
The list goes on and on...

Pros for the new house:
I'm SOOOOOOOOO much closer to work.  My commute is a breeze!
We can host parties again!  Superbowl 50 was proof to that- we had a house full of friends and kids and we all fit!  Yay!
We all cook and clean together.  No more chasing P into the back room while one of us stands alone in the tiny pink kitchen.
Gas stoves are amazing.  Nuf said.

The view from my bedroom window then:

The view from my bedroom now:
Nuf said. 

And Porter- he is in heaven too.
Room to play
The dogs are not in ANY walking path
A bedroom that isn't six feet from the doorbell and the front door- naps are totally uninterrupted
Multiple rooms to play in where Mama and Dada can see/hear him
School is literally .75 miles from our front door
I can run before I pick I pick him up from school! On warm days I run to school with the stroller and we run home together.
He LOVES his teachers and sings about Miss Margarita and Miss Michelle daily
He can rattle off 10 different friend names from school
He's singing songs that I haven't heard in years and I can actually understand him- "I'm licking up my baby bumble bee- ouch he stung me!"

First Day Picture

 Heaven.  Nuf said.