Wednesday, July 29, 2015

P day- Me day!

Porter is officially 1 1/2 and although cliché , I'm going to say it anyway- having a toddler is SO HARD!  I literally Never. Stop. Moving.  He never stops moving- he's into this for 1.5 seconds and onto that for 1.5 seconds.  He climbs and jumps and opens and eats and runs and screams and does it all over again.  All.  Day.  Long.

Irma is working for Meg full time this summer and so I held onto her for 2 1/2 days a week during break.  It's been a perfect mix of Mommy time and Porter time.  Porter days are filled with fun fun and more non stop fun.  Each week we meet my friend Dell and her little dude Max for a music class in the Highlands.  It's run by this amazing woman who is very talented at singing and happens to know a lot about early childhood development.  She is able to incorporate the two- the kids learn and they sing- who could ask for more!?

We've also met Jules and Quinn for a few play dates- the boys are 5 months apart and play so well together.  On days when we don't meet friends, we play in the pool, go to the park, push cars around the house, look for airplanes in the sky (there are SO many!) and saw, screw and hammer with P's tool set!

Strumming on Miss Maureen's guitar

P loves his "toots!"

Library book hour

P and Max- already best buds!
 P and Quinn- Matching shirts and guac- doesn't get better than this!

This hat was Dada's when he was little. <3

Me days seem to consist of a lot of trips to the grocery store and errand running- but I have managed to carve out some time for some amazing running.  My quest for 2015 in 2015 is going great despite a few minor injuries here and there.  I've run 362.35 miles so far this year and need to hit 672 to help my team hit 2015 in 2015.  I've also met some great friends for lunch, spend whole days with each of my parents, read a few grown-up books and gotten in some TV watching that doesn't consist of Curious George or Sesame Street.

 Meg and I scheduled night out that consisted of zero talk about Irma, husbands or babies.  We drank a lot of wine, ate some delicious food and recreated this amazing photo that about sums up every single one of our college pictures!

 My dad's friend Steve owns this amazing Corvette that I got to ride it.  We hit 103 in about 1.2 seconds.  I won't lie- I totally put in my fake break and held the "oh shit handle" for the entire ride!

I officially have 14 days left of summer break.  The thought of going back to school makes me sick to my stomach.  Coming off of the year that I had last year, it's hard to be excited about another school year.  I will however, look forward to seeing my work friends and welcoming in a new group of kids that are nothing but kind and precious- according to the 4th grade teachers!  My apologies for the time between posts recently, I'm having a hard time thinking of ideas to blog - if you have anything you want me to write about, I'd welcome any suggestions!

Until then~
Mama Jess