Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Porter Pie!

My baby is one!!

An entire year has passed with Porter and I keep playing the game, one year ago we were doing this and one year ago we were doing that. It is truly amazing how a child can change in the course of a year from being a blob of baby to a communicating laughing, clapping, almost walking, always smiling baby boy!

This time last year I was beyond exhausted and I asked Porter every day to not grow any bigger. I loved that he slept on me and made little cooing noises all day long. An entire year later I am telling him to stop growing up still because my little baby is almost not a baby anymore.

He is truly a joy to play with these days.  He can express happiness when he is pushing a toy that helps him walk around the house and can express frustration when we close him into his car seat. He can tell me using sign language that he is "all finished" and when he wants "more". He laughs when we laugh, and laughs even harder when we drop hammers on our toes. He loves to flop upside down and be carried from his feet.  He loves reading books, mooing like a cow and touching his nose when you ask him.  He loves broccoli and sweet potatoes and hates cow's milk.  He laughs hard when we chant "chug chug chug" when he's swigging water from his sippy cup. He has this infectious fake laugh that he does when he wants to entertain us or a crowd of people.  It makes us laugh until our belly's ache and makes him do it more and more.

Last weekend we threw Porter an amazingly fun birthday party.  The thought of having all our friends and the explosion of babies in our tiny house was not something that could work.  Daniel discovered a small brewery called Asbury Provisions, a stones throw from our house, when he was writing his thesis.  We talked to the owners and decided to throw his party at their place.  It was absolutely perfect!  The space fit all our friends, the kids played with toys on the floor, the food was delish and Porter ate his cake with a smile on his face the whole time.  The best part was that we didn't have to clean up or do any dishes after the event!  We were able to talk with all our friends and Uncle Lex documented the entire event on camera.

I can't wait to see what the next year holds for Porter.  Soon he'll be walking and talking and that just blows my mind.  I can't wait to learn more about his personality and see who he becomes as he grows into a child.  I love you P.