Friday, October 10, 2014


People are always asking me how things are going with the new nanny share and with Irma.  Things are great! Really, I couldn't be happier with the situation and feel so lucky with how things fell into place.

Back up...way up...

Meg and I met almost exactly 17 years ago.  It was bid day with our sorority and during a funny group picture of all the incoming freshman, Meg stuck her shoe in my face and kept it there as we posed for our round of pictures.  I was immediately annoyed by her.  Then, that night, we were headed out to our first fraternity party and I went to go tell Meg, the "annoying shoe girl," that we were ready to go.  I opened her door and there she was, sitting on a couch, surrounded by (what I remember) as 25 boys.  She told me that she would be right there, but first she had to curl her hair. The annoying shoe girl now became the annoying hair curling girl with way more guy friends than I had ever had.

It took plenty of cheap fraternity beer, but that night we bonded and have been best friends ever since. The annoying shoe/hair/boy girl became my travel buddy, roommate, shoulder to cry on, matron of honor, vacation friend, talk on the phone every day, share clothes with, laugh until you pee your pants, call at 3 am for anything, name your dog together, best friend.  I don't know what I would ever do with out her. Flash forward to today and now our kids are becoming best friends.  They get to spend every single day together, playing, eating, learning and laughing with Irma.

Sushi Zanmai was the only place were I used my fake ID.
Looks like it worked!

Later this night we hitchhiked home and were picked
up by Mike the cop who dropped us right at the front door
and then asked for our numbers!

This was taken the day that I faked being sick to get out of my shift
at the Lazy Dog and was fired the next day- worth it!

Freshman year

Drunken pen fight! (Please note the matching
tube top outfits)

Body shots didn't scare us!

Frat party #999

This was taken at about 3am during an all nighter. I don't think we
got any studying done all night. "Symmetrical!"

Sorority house randomness!

Irma works for us Monday thru Friday from 8-4.  She lives in Northglenn (near my school) and conveniently passes by our house on her way to Meg's.  On her way in, she stops by the house and picks up P.  This is super nice for Daniel and allows him to leave for work right from the house.  She then heads to Meg's and spends the day with the babies and Grayden joins them in the afternoons. We pick him up at her house at 4 and he is nothing but happy, well cared for and showered with kisses when we walk out the door. Irma is a Spanish speaker and on top of amazing child care, also speaks Spanish to the kids all day.  It's a perfect situation.

As a bonus, I get to see Meg, Grayden and Ashlyn many times a week.  Some times we stay late and go for walks, shop, have dinner or pop the babies onto the boobs and catch up on the week! I can't imagine my life with out her and feel so lucky that Porter will love her as much as I do.  <3 Love you dudie. (PS- Now I'll know if you actually read this blog or just tell me you do!)

Look who's standing!!