Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Since becoming a mom, I now have 15 very close friends.
They are all kinda clingy.  Okay, really clingy.
Oddly enough they all have the same name.
15 pounds, hanging on for dear life, the little bastards.

I know, I know, I just had a baby and I need to be patient...it took a year to put on 55 big ones, it'll take a year to take them off.  But I don't want to take a year- I want it to happen NOW! Not fitting into my clothes is terribly frustrating and seeing myself in a mirror and not seeing the typical "me" is hard, I'm not gunna lie.  I have jeans that I'd love to slide on and feel great.  But, there is no sliding going on here folks, there is squeezing and shimming and jumping and usually a few tears.

I decided that things need to change.  I am still breastfeeding, which makes dieting hard because I still need to pack on a certain number of calories in order for milk production, but I need to say bye bye to my 15 friends. Fast. So, I signed up for a Stroller Strides class.  This is a fitness class that meets every morning at Wash Park from 9:30 to 10:30 that is all about fitness with moms and their babies. We run around the park and stop at various locations and lunge, sit-up, plank, squat, sprint, jump, and use rubber tubing to strengthen every muscle in our body.  It's more of a workout I would ever do on my own. It's here that I have started to notice a difference in my health and my fitness and although I haven't stepped on a scale since we started, I feel better, and that's what's most important.

The best part is that I don't have to drop Porter off at a gym daycare.  We run there and walk home, which means he gets almost 2 hours of fresh air and I get to do it all with him.  It's fantastic.  I have also started to meet other mom friends who have babies his age.  It's been a great resource for comparing notes on rolling over, sitting up and eating solids.  I have coffee plans with a few next week and I'm really looking forward to it.

Plus, we get to see these cute things every day!
The video below is P checking out the geese.  He
was mesmerized...

You can tell we are a group of moms who don't give a hoot about what anyone thinks of us because near the end of class, when the babes are starting to lose it, we have to sing loud and sing often to keep them happy. I can't say that I'd ever lunged to the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider, or held a plank for the count of Twinkle Twinkle, but hey, if baby's happy, momma's happy!

As always, here are a few of my faves from the past few weeks.
~Mama Jess

Fat guy in a little coat!