Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Da head

Another question we get a lot is how is his little head shaping up.  Because he sat on the fibroid for lord who knows how long, things are a little "cattywampus" as the doctors describe the current shape.  From the front it really doesn't appear to have much misshape, but from the back...well, decide for yourself!

We have noticed a change in it's shape in the last week or so and aren't really too concerned with it at the moment.  We talked to the doctor and have a referral to a specialist to get another look just in case. We are going to do it just to have someone professional tell us that we don't have anything to worry about!

I saw the doctor the other week and was basically told that because the fibroid wasn't problematic in his growth, in the c-section or with my pregnancy that they are going to leave it be. If it shrinks, it'll most likely grow back with the hormones in my next pregnancy and they will keep an eye on it at that time. So, the good news it that I don't have to have another surgery or anything at this point. I think I'll blame this 8 week belly bulge on it! Ha!

This picture is a bit old, but is one of my favorite!  Little man lost all his hair and looked like a little old man for a few weeks.  The hair started growing back along with his eyebrows (finally!) and his eyelashes have grown so long they make me jealous.  I took a mega-close up of him sleeping so you can really see the eyelashes!!  Why??  Why is it always the men who get these suckers! Arg!

Little Man is doing so well.  He is on an amazing night schedule- he goes to bed between 10 and 11, gets up for one feeding between 3 and 4 and gets up for the day between 6 and 7.  It's a dream come true!  I actually get a pretty good night's sleep and wake up ready to play and stare at him all day long!  His days aren't as predictable but I drag him around town to do errands, meet friends for lunch, see my parents or take him on long walks and he sleeps like a charm in the car seat! We are so lucky to have such a perfect little baby.  :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hats, hats, hats!!

Hi friends, two posts in the works, but in the meantime I'll post some of my favorite hat pictures from the last month!